
Capacity Building for Women’s Leadership and Gender

WOCAN has trained and mentored over 2,000 women farmers and professionals – as well as the men who support them- to accelerate transformational change within communities and institutions for gender equality, agriculture and climate action.

Enabling women’s leadership triggers multiple benefits for households, communities, and economies. Women’s Leadership Circles have been established in several countries to provide a platform for rural women to communicate directly with policymakers.
WOCAN has trained and mentored staff in over 100 organizations to better integrate gender into their institutions and projects. These include: the UN Food and Agriculture

The organization, International Fund for Agriculture, UN Environment Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research, Mekong River Commission, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, The Center for People and Forests, and many others.

Our impact around the world:

  • Capacity Building: Nepal, Vietnam, Fiji, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Thailand, China, Laos, India, Kenya, South Africa, Cameroon, Uganda, Sri Lanka, the Maldives
  • Women’s Leadership Circles: Nepal, South Africa, Kenya, the Maldives

Technical Assistance for W+ Standard

A group of experts in gender and monitoring and evaluation provides technical assistance in the design and measurement of projects using the W+ Standard. This group has assisted several companies and project developers to design, implement and measure the impacts of activities that are of a high quality, and therefore generating W+ credits.

Our impact around the world:

  • Time: Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Kenya, Laos, Morocco, South Africa
  • Income/assets: Cambodia, Morocco, Kenya
  • Education/Knowledge: Vietnam, Morocco
  • Leadership: Morocco, Kenya
  • Health: South Africa